Day: February 4, 2019
How To Make Solar PV2EV Profitable
Sonoma Clean Power (SCP) is saving everyone in Sonoma County a little money on their PG&E bill and that’s a pretty big deal, but it’s just part of the story. In February I purchased a 2011 Nissan Leaf electric vehicle (EV) for $10,000 and in May I switched to PG&E’s EV seasonal, time-of-use (TOU)…
Financing Electric Vehicle Markets in New York and Other States
The process of sowing the seeds of electric vehicle infrastructure — and thereby creating a backbone of charging stations that can support these vehicles — is still in its infancy. A new report outlines the technologies and business models necessary to ramp up growth in the electric vehicle (EV)…
Japan's Long-term Energy Plan Shoots for Ultimate Balance in Economics, Environment and Safety
What is 3E + S? It is neither a mathematics problem nor chemical equation. It is Japan’s latest long-term energy plan, which was released by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) on June 1stf for review. The draft plan aims to establish an optimum energy mix by the year 2030.
Listen Up: Pope Calls for the Replacement of Fossil Fuels, Renewable Energy and Solar Subsidies
We’re talking about religion this week. Did I get your attention? How about if we talk about climate change, more renewable energy, dirty fossil fuels and solar subsidies? Okay, we’ve already covered these topics. But now the Pope has chimed in with his “On Care For Our Common Home” Encyclical.…
Corporate Speed Dating: Coupling India's Smart Cities with Smart Investment for Sustainability
Building off nearly 10 months of extensive public and private sector consultation, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi began in April to green-light initial projects under the country’s Smart Cities Initiative (SCI). The SCI benchmarks, formulated in response to rapid urban population growth, aim…
German Wind-to-Hydrogen Plant Takes Car-Fuel Battle to Tesla
After decades of research, Linde AG says the elements needed to make hydrogen-fuelled cars a viable challenger to Tesla Inc’s battery-driven vehicles are finally falling into place.
‘Snail’s Pace’ in Climate Talks, Weak Pledges Frustrate UN Chief
The secretary general of the United Nations is frustrated with the pace of negotiations for what’s intended to be a crucial agreement limiting global warming. Climate change pledges submitted so far from the world’s leading economies won’t be enough to keep the planet from warming dangerously, UN…
A 9-Minute Guide To Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Climate Change
Pope Francis issued Laudato si’ (Praise Be to You) On the care for our common home, his second encyclical, concerning Catholic doctrine with respect to climate change, consumerism, and development.
For All Their Talk, Colleges Divest Little After Climate Protest
Stanford, Oxford and Georgetown universities have won praise for promising to purge their endowments of direct investments in coal, embracing the fight against climate change.
Mid-Year Celebrations: Fireworks, A World Cup, And Clean Energy Momentum
This month alone, we Americans celebrated our nation’s birthday, capped off perfectly by the USA women’s soccer team’s sensational 5-2 victory in the World Cup final. As we hit the halfway point of 2015, the clean-energy industry also has much to celebrate, much of it in the month of June alone…