Day: February 4, 2019
Bill to Take California to 100 Percent Clean Electricity Gains Traction
The Assembly Utilities and Energy Committee approved Senate Bill 100, historic legislation to transition California to 100 percent clean electricity by 2045, sending it to the full Assembly for a vote. The vote could have been influenced by the more than 38,000 messages and signatures in support of…
China’s Wind Power Industry Aims To Keep Wind And Solar Curtailment Rate Under 9 Percent
According to data released by the National Energy Administration of China, the country added wind power grid-connected capacity of 3.94 GW during the first quarter of this year, a year-over-year increase of 12 percent. The country’s average wind curtailment rate had decreased to 8.5 percent as of…
Pumped Hydropower Plus Wind, Solar Is Path To 100 Percent Renewable Energy
If you want to build pumped storage hydropower plants, don’t talk about pumped storage hydropower. That was the message delivered by Adam Rousselle, president of Renewable Energy Aggregators (REA) during the first Grid-Scale Storage Summit, which took place on June 25-26 in Charlotte, NC.
Exelon, First Solar Bankroll Campaign to Push a Carbon Tax
Major energy companies, including the largest U.S. nuclear power generator, are putting millions of dollars into a new political campaign to push for a tax on carbon dioxide emissions.
Coal Is Being Squeezed Out of Power Industry by Cheap Renewables
Coal will be increasingly squeezed out of the power generation market over the next three decades as the cost of renewables plunges and technology improves the flexibility of grids globally.
Inside Renewable Energy: The Sustainable Corporation — Risks and Rewards of an Environmental Business Strategy
In this episode, Scott Tew discusses Ingersoll Rand’s work toward achieving its sustainability goals and what other companies can learn from that experience.
Timely US Offshore Wind Construction Support Vessel Proposed
Two companies based in The Netherlands have proposed developing a near-term marine vessel solution for delivering wind turbine parts for the construction of new U.S. offshore wind projects planned over the next few years.
AT&T ‘Goes Big’ on Wind Power in Texas
AT&T last week said it is adding to its wind power program with the purchase of 300 MW from two new wind farms in Wilbarger and Hardeman counties in Texas.
Want To Save the World with Your Brilliant Clean Energy Idea?
A new partnership between Enel and InnoCentive focuses on the power of the crowd to solve many of the world’s sustainable energy challenges.
The Public Health Benefits of Adding Offshore Wind to the Grid
New plans to build two commercial offshore wind farms near the Massachusetts and Rhode Island coasts have sparked a lot of discussion about the vast potential of this previously untapped source of electricity.