Advanced sustainable design and experimental assessment to address climate neutrality in Mediterranean areas

Authors: Ali Sayigh, Antonella Trombadore, Alessia Leuzzo and Giuseppe Mangano.<br />Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Vol. 8 , page 10<br />Published online: 12/07/2023<br />
Climate neutrality ; design strategies ; assessment ; regenerative scenarios.

Deep renovation methodology for 20th-century masterpieces: the case of Palazzo Affari by Carlo Mollino

Authors: Ali Sayigh, Antonella Trombadore, Alessandro Di Renzo and Luca Caneparo.<br />Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Vol. 8 , page 12<br />Published online: 25/07/2023<br />
Innovative retrofit ; preservation of modern architecture ; high-performance insulation ; FEM thermal simulation ; digital fabrication.

Environmental impact study of the NOOR 1 solar project on the Southern Region of Morocco

Authors: Amale Laaroussi, Ouiame Laaroussi and Abdelrhani Bouayad.<br />Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Vol. 8 , page 9<br />Published online: 14/07/2023<br />
Energy transition ; environmental impact ; renewable energy ; NOOR 1 (concentrated solar power) project.

Collective transitioning of a heavy industrial area towards ‘Net Zero Carbon’: the critical role of Governance in delivering Enterprise action

Authors: Chris Oughton, Biji Kurup, Martin Anda and Goen Ho.<br />Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Vol. 8 , page 11<br />Published online: 25/07/2023<br />
Carbon reduction ; climate change ; industrial symbiosis ; circular economy ; Kwinana industrial area ; KIC4.

Thermal performance analysis of near infra-red reflection and green roof cooling techniques on buildings made of mild steel

Authors: Nonkululeko Portia Mdlalose, Mutuku Muvengei, Patrick Muiruri and Urbanas Mutwiwa.<br />Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Vol. 8 , page 13<br />Published online: 17/08/2023<br />
Green roof ; cool roof ; tropical climate ; EnergyPlus.

Storage of wind power energy: main facts and feasibility − hydrogen as an option

Authors: Vidya Amarapala, Abdul Salam K. Darwish and Peter Farrell.<br />Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Vol. 8 , page 16<br />Published online: 29/08/2023<br />
Wind energy storage ; hydrogen fuel cell ; renewable energy ; zero emission ; offshore wind energy ; Net Zero ; Sri Lanka.

From an unfinished subdivision to a place for an Energy Community in Terrasini, Palermo, Italy

Authors: Ali Sayigh, Antonella Trombadore and Alberto Tricarico.<br />Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Vol. 8 , page 14<br />Published online: 29/08/2023<br />
Energy Community ; exoskeleton ; renewable energy ; retrofit.

Urban regeneration of public housing settlements, in Rome: the case study of San Basilio district

Authors: Ali Sayigh, Antonella Trombadore, Angela Calvano, Andrea Canducci and Andrea Rufini.<br />Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Vol. 8 , page 15<br />Published online: 29/08/2023<br />
Regeneration strategies ; multiscale approach ; multi-system methodology ; renewables energy.

The aggregated leapfrogging estimate: a novel approach to defining energy leapfrogging

Authors: Sam Hosseini-Moghaddam, Branav Gnanamoorthy, Thomas Liang, Harry Cheng and Luc Bernier.<br />Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Vol. 8 , page 17<br />Published online: 22/09/2023<br />
Energy leapfrogging ; renewable micro-grids ; access to electricity.

Statistical analysis of cloud layers and solar irradiations for all seasons in Toyohashi city, Japan

Authors: Takahiro Bando, Tsubasa Ito, Hayate Wakisaka, Yuki Miyahara, Takeshi Aizawa, Toru Harigai, Hirofumi Takikawa, Motohisa Hiratsuka and Shiro Maki.<br />Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Vol. 8 , page 18<br />Published online: 22/09/2023<br />
Solar irradiation ; clearness index ; multilayered cloud ; all sky imaging ; statistical analysis.