Strong Ties Between Public and Private Sectors Key to Accelerating Renewables

A new strategic paper by IRENA’s Coalition for Action, Towards 100% Renewable Energy, shows more than 50 countries and over 280 states, regions and cities have already committed to some sort of 100% renewable energy target.

Meet the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to IRENA

South Korea aims to install 48 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy capacity by 2030, enough to supply 20 per cent of its domestic power needs. With a 4GW solar and wind complex under development including a record breaking 3GW solar park, the country’s first permanent representative to IRENA, H.E. Ambassador Park Kang-ho, outlines Korea’s national ambition.

Caribbean Embraces New Geothermal Resource Classification

IRENA and partners pilot for the first time at a regional level a system to encourage investment in geothermal projects.

IRENA’s Year in Review 2018

A run-through of highlights from IRENA during the year.

How Global Energy Transformed in 2018

The global energy system is undergoing rapid transformation. Here are 20 reminders, from media outlets around the world, of how the energy transformation has advanced over the last 12 months. 

Canada Joins International Renewable Energy Agency

Canada has today officially become the 160th member of IRENA. 

IRENA Assembly Set for Record Participation as 125 Ministers Gather to Discuss Energy Transformation

Scaling-up renewable energy world-wide key priority as global leaders and representatives from 160 countries join more than 1,200 participants for Agency’s ninth Assembly which will elect a new Director-General.

IRENA Pre-Assembly Live Coverage

  • 2019 Legislatrors Forum is focused on the theme of parliamentary actions to accelerate the energy transformation in reaching the goal of universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030
  • The delegates at SIDS Ministerial discuss fostering energy tranformation in islands through Lighthouses 2.0 Initiative
  • High-level participants of the African Ministerial discuss scaling up renewables in the region
  • Policymakers, experts and development partners discuss ways to strengthen cooperation on renewable energy deployment in Latin America
  • Sessions on solar opportunities for developing cities and on the future of re-electrification

Global Commission Describes New Geopolitical Power Dynamics Created by Renewables

Global Commission on the Geopolitics of Energy Transformation says the new energy age will reshape relations between states and regions bringing "A New World" of power, security, energy independence and prosperity.

Optimism and Opportunity Evident as Delegates Gather for IRENA9A

Representatives from more than 160 countries, the private sector and civil society are gathering to discuss key issues in the global energy transition and chart the way forward for the Agency against a backdrop of remarkable progress on deployment.