Carbon footprint management of unconventional natural gas development in the export scenario

Authors: Sangita Bista, Philip Jennings and Martin Anda.
Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Vol. 4 , page 3

Energy Policies at Crossroads − Will Europe's 2030 targets and framework be in line with the Paris Climate Agreement?

Authors: Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes.
Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Vol. 4 , page 4

The bioclimatic approach in developing smart urban isles for sustainable cities

Authors: Despina Kyprianou Serghides, Stella Dimitriou, Ioanna Kyprianou and Costas Papanicolas.
Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Vol. 4 , page 2

India proposes to construct 400-MW hydropower project in Nepal

Minister Pun noted that the Nepal government would make a proper decision whether or not to award the construction of Lower Arun to India after seeing the progress in Arun III hydro project

Arvind plans to cut carbon emissions by 30 per cent with solar projects

As company ramps up the three-phase installation, it plans to target 40 MW captive solar capacity, a company statement said

KWA to tap solar power to check electricity bills

This, according to the minister, will help the cash-strapped KWA, which spends Rs 23 crore every month to Kerala state electricity board (KSEB).

Share of clean energy can go up to 45% by 2030 in India despite doubling consumption: TERI

The projection is, in fact, 5% more than what India had pledged as part of its climate action plans under the Paris Agreement in 2015 - a scenario which may see no new coal-fired power plant will be built in India beyond 2025-27.

India, Germany agree to provide financial support to climate conservation projects

"Germany will provide 35 million EUR for such projects in the years to come. Only in all countries join forces will it be possible to fulfil the Paris Agreement and to limit global warming to less than 2 degrees," Schulze added.

SunPower seeking partner for its solar panel making business

A partnership could involve the sale of a minority stake in the manufacturing business or a customer investment that would allow preferential access to its products, among other options, Werner said.

Bloomberg rips Trump for not taking action on climate change

"If he's not willing to listen to his own administration's scientific advisers - and he isn't - he should at least listen to the people in this film," Bloomberg said