Research Headlines - Cities use waste heat to save energy and cut emissions

ImageAn EU-funded project is helping European cities to run district heating and cooling systems with waste heat. Solutions provided through the project capture and use this affordable and plentiful resource to help households, factories and offices save energy.

Research Headlines - Smarter grids for reliable electricity transport

Picture of high-voltage power lines at sunsetAn EU-funded project has developed a probabilistic approach to providing a reliable and affordable electricity supply to European consumers. It uses innovative methods to address the challenges of an increasingly interconnected, flexible and renewables-dominated system.

Research Headlines - Knowledge is key to sustainable biomass transition

Image of straw bales in the field after the harvestProviding detailed information on non-food biomass availability and appropriate conversion technologies will help to boost Europe's sustainable transition to a bio-based economy. An EU-funded project is helping to ensure that sustainable biomass is creating new revenue streams for agriculture and job opportunities in bio-based industries.

Research Headlines - New eco-friendly batteries for tomorrow's electric vehicles

ImageInnovations in battery design are increasing the acceptability of electric vehicles among consumers. An EU-funded project is developing a more powerful, cheaper, and environmentally friendly lithium-ion battery to meet the expectations of drivers - and boost Europe's competitiveness in the market.

Research Headlines - Innovative rotor sail to cut commercial shipping carbon emissions

ImageOne of the world's most environmentally friendly passenger ships is harnessing the wind for propulsion, cutting CO2 emissions and fuel consumption, thanks to the installation of an innovative rotor sail developed by an EU-funded project.

Research Headlines - Clean, quiet hybrid electric aircraft take flight

ImageHybrid and electric vehicles are increasingly common on Europe's roads. Now similar clean and quiet technologies are taking to the skies, thanks to an EU-funded project developing and testing innovative aircraft propulsion systems.

Research Headlines - Delivering cost-effective clean energy to consumers

Illustration of a globe in a light bulb on a green fieldEU-funded research is ensuring that new policy tools supporting the renewable energy sector - such as auctions - deliver on their promise to provide cost-efficient, carbon-free energy for consumers, helping Europe meet its environmental and economic targets.

Research Headlines - Greening aluminium production

Photo of a roll of aluminiumAluminium is a vital material. Yet its production consumes vast amounts of raw materials and energy. An EU-funded project has developed waste-ore recycling processes and power-saving furnaces that could shrink the industry's environmental footprint while increasing its long-term competitiveness.

Research Headlines - Moroccan and EU researchers set their sights on more efficient renewable energy systems

ImageMany consider renewable energy systems to be the way forward. However, before such systems can power the future, they first need to demonstrate their viability. Researchers from Europe and Morocco have teamed up to make one specific energy system a reality - dispatchable concentrating solar plants.

Research Headlines - Island life: laying the foundations for a fossil-free future

ImageThe award-winning EU-funded TILOS project is tackling the sustainable energy challenges facing Mediterranean islands with practical solutions for storing, sharing and better managing power generated locally from the wind and sun.