Carbon Brief: UK's emissions could have doubled since 1990 without renewable energy

The UK's total carbon footprint has decreased by 38% since 1990 - but could have doubled if the renewable energy revolution had failed to gain traction, new analysis from Carbon Brief has concluded.

UK wind energy generation smashes record again

Wind energy in the UK set another record last week, with new figures revealing that more than 15GW of renewable energy was generated by wind technologies on Friday (8 February).

Austin’s Water Forward plan is a bold step into the future

(By Jennifer Walker and Sharlene Leurig) Austin's new 100-year water plan uses an innovative strategy called integrated water resource management (also known as One Water), which looks at all sources of water — including nontraditional sources like rainwater, storm water, and wastewater — as possible resources to meet community needs. Water Forward is also the first water supply plan in Texas to incorporate climate change into its future projections.

EPA's "Dirty Water Rule" will threaten Texans' drinking water

The Dirty Water Rule would replace the 2015 Clean Water Rule, which restored federal protections to more than 143,000 miles of Texas streams, which help provide drinking water to over 11.5 million Texans. The health of Texas waterways from Rio Grande to the Red River depend on the smaller streams that feed  them, and the wetlands that filter out pollution.

Wind power breaks 100% threshold for Scotland's electricity demand

Wind farms in Scotland generated enough power to account for more than 100% of the country's electricity demand last month, according to new figures from WeatherEnergy.

Large-scale solar costs expected to fall below £40/MWh by 2030

The cost of large-scale solar generation is expected to fall below £40/MWh by 2030, according to the latest assessment by the Solar Trade Association (STA).

Offshore wind capacity in 2018 'smashes' previous record

This year has seen a record-breaking amount of new UK offshore wind capacity installed, according to new figures from Renewable UK.

Solar households expected to give away power to energy firms

The Government has said households that install solar panels in the future will be expected to give away unused clean power for free to energy firms earning multi-million-pound profits, provoking outrage from green campaigners.

AB InBev signs deal to source 100% renewable electricity in UK

The owner of Budweiser and Corona has secured a deal to purchase 100% renewable electricity for its UK operations.

Bill Gates: Nuclear power 'ideal' for tackling climate challenges

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has argued that nuclear power is an ideal technology to decarbonise the global energy system, as it is less prone to volatility and variable outputs compared to renewables.