Comment: Standardising solar and storage

Ten years ago, the cost of battery energy storage was high, the installations were unproven, and the risks could have been detrimental to hopeful energy storage integrators. We have come a long way since then, says Troy Miller.

Research Focus: How can we overcome the instabilities of microgrids caused by constant power loads?

A new Research Paper in Renewable Energy Focus looks to overcome instabilities caused by Constant Power Load with a robust control mechanism - using a Lyapunov Redesign controller.

Research Focus: Clarifying how solar affects home values in the US

A key US study from LNBL (and now peer reviewed and published in Renewable Energy Focus Journal) investigates multi-state residential transaction estimates of Solar Photovoltaic system premiums.

Research Focus: A way to improve demand flexibility for procurement of transmission and distribution system services

In recent years consumers have started producing their own electricity using small-scale facilities, and effectively controlling their consumption, as well as actively taking advantage of electricity storage devices. This research describes a possible marketplace where the system operators could effectively buy services from end-users (using intermediary agents) in the most cost-effective way.

Research Focus: Enhance variable speed wind turbine transient performance – and make obsolete wind turbines last longer

The demand for wind power is on the rise, and it is becoming increasingly important to take the stability of wind farms into account - to ensure safe and efficient delivery of power. According to recent grid requirements, wind farms must adapt to transient disturbances as quickly as possible, while keeping grid-connected wind farms operational during disturbances in the power network. This study analyses various control strategies that enhance variable speed wind turbine transient performance.

Industry Perspective Preview: R&D gaps for off-grid power - time to think big about going small

A major drive to bring renewable energy to the 'electricity poor' is underway, but despite the progress made so far, under a business-as-usual scenario around 600 million people will still not have access to electricity by 2040, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

Industry Perspective Preview: What to do with "Spent" wind turbine blades?

Given that there are already an estimated 345,000 utility scale wind turbines installed around the world (based on Global Wind Energy Council statistics) and that most are designed for service lives of 20 to 25 years, there is a looming issue; what should happen to large fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) blades when their service lives have expired?

Comment: Celebrating International Women’s Day in sustainable energy entrepreneurship

In 1975 the UN declared 8 March as International Women’s Day (IWD). Originally, this day was to promote equal rights between men and women at work. Today, says Elena Bou, Innovation Director for InnoEnergy, it is a general celebration of the role of women in society and their economic, political and social achievements.

V2G: The role for EVs in future energy supply and demand

Stephen Irish at Hyperdrive Innovation takes a look at the electric vehicles market in the UK and the role it could play in alleviating a potential energy supply crisis.

Comment: What will 2017 bring for the global renewables industry?

Quentin Scott at Low Carbon takes a look at the renewables landscape in 2017.