Analysis: Energy Storage Projects - An increasingly attractive investment opportunity?

The results of the National Grid's Enhanced Frequency Response (EFR) tender published in August 2016 have come to be seen as something of a pivotal moment for the fortunes of energy storage in the UK - especially for battery technology.

Redefining wave power – tapping into the global potential

From a eureka moment in the bath to the observation of an apple falling from the tree, inspiration often strikes at the least expected moments. For Dr. Stig Lundbäck, a cardiologist from Stockholm, it was the pumping mechanisms of the human heart that led to his idea for a viable wave energy converter.

Financing alternative energy projects – technology and regulation

Key industry participants used the World Economic Forum in Davos earlier this year in January to launch the 'Hydrogen Council', an initiative focused on establishing hydrogen, and specifically hydrogen fuel cells, into the over-growing mix of alternative energy sources. Another example of a continuing industry transition seeking to address the global energy 'trilemma' of security, accessibility/affordability and sustainability, explains Tom Eldrige.

Scotland’s first minister to speak at all-energy’s opening plenary session

Registration for All-Energy, the UK’s largest renewable and low carbon energy exhibition and conference, opens online with the news that Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, will speak in the opening plenary conference session on 10 May.

Research Focus: Improving wind turbine power conversion in variable speed wind turbines

A new section where authors highlight their peer-reviewed research published in Renewable Energy Focus Journal begins with a novel solution that could potentially protect Variable Speed Wind Turbine Doubly Fed Induction Generator converters during grid fault scenarios.

Research Focus: Improving the conversion process for Sorghum Bagasse biomass

The conservation of biomass is essential for ensuring a continuous and quality supply of feedstock for biofuel facilities around the year. However, the conservation of biomass needs appropriate pretreatments in order to guarantee a high quality (and yield) of fuel and fiber production. This study looked into the possibility of developing a large-scale drying system for Sorghum Bagasse.

Creating the ultimate hybrid system by mixing solar energy and hydroelectricity

Compared to its traditional solar counterparts, floating photovoltaic (FPV) allows standard solar panels to be installed on dead water spaces to maximize utility of resources, addressing potential conflicts in areas such as food vs. fuel on land use.

Tidal lagoon energy - A rising or falling tide?

The outcome of the Government's independent review into the feasibility and practicality of tidal lagoon energy in the UK is expected to be released in November. Ahead of its release Lara Moore at Ashfords LLP provides a brief overview of tidal lagoon energy, the importance of the outcome of the government review and some of the challenges faced.

Could Scotland be 50% renewable by 2030?

Despite grand ambitions, Scotland will not achieve 100% renewables generation by 2020, however experts believe it could still generate a healthy 50% from renewable sources by 2030. But what changes need to be implemented in order to achieve this?

Stepping up the pace for renewables across the MENA region

Hani Majzoub at GE Energy Connections takes a look at the renewable energy landscape across the MENA region.