Managing and creating value from third-party risk

With major construction and infrastructure development companies, including those in the renewable energy sector, increasingly expanding their footprints into countries far from their home markets, Stephen Watson and Javier Serra from Arthur D. Little give some essential advice for successfully managing third-party risk.

Comment: Teaching elephants to dance: Collaborating to create a sustainable future

Today’s traditional energy business models will die in tomorrow’s world - collaboration between big business and inventive entrepreneurs is instead the key to a successful energy transition, writes Elena Bou.

Shifting motivations: 2016 and the rise of the consumption driven solar consumer

With 2016 set to be a challenging year for the UK solar industry, Simon Baggaley looks at how companies can survive what he calls an "exciting period for our industry despite rough waters in the policy space".

Making biomass investment affordable

In light of the Government’s announcement to reduce the support offered for biomass projects at the end of 2015, Richard Baker at Siemens Financial Services explains how equipment suppliers can keep momentum going and remain competitive in an increasingly saturated market.

Comment: Can a sustainable Scotland be achieved?

In January Scottish Renewables put forward a manifesto calling for 50% of Scotland’s total power output to be sourced from renewables by 2030. Niall Stuart, Chief Executive of Scottish Renewables, explains how this ambitious objective can be achieved and explores some of the benefits it could have for the country and its future.

Comment: Will the clampdown on onshore wind cause an 'energy crunch'?

An energy shortage could be on the horizon for the UK, according to Angus Walker from Bircham Dyson Bell.

Mexican energy reforms: Mexico’s path to a clean economy

In recent years Mexico has experienced an energy boost, bringing renewable sources into the mix. With its ambitious target of 50% clean energy by 2050, David Barrie at SgurrEnergy believes the country has the potential to become a key player in the renewable energy industry, but explains that there will be challenges along the way.

The end of the line for today’s wind turbines

We need to start thinking today about the future of our wind turbines, according to Dr Athanasios Kolios and María Martínez Luengo from Cranfield University.

Defusing the hype in the smart home space

Alex Herceg at Lux Research provides an analysis of the smart home market and explains why functions related to energy efficiency are still central to the appeal of this technology.

REMIPEG Report: Part 1 - Renewable power generation 2015: The latest world-market status

The World-Market Status special report – After two years of reductions, the 2014 investments in renewables were increasing to the value of 310 billion USD – nearly reaching an all-time high. The renewable energy markets are shifting significantly towards the emerging markets, and hydropower continues as the largest renewable technology with nearly 3 times the cumulated capacity of the second player, the wind sector.