REMIPEG Report: Part 2 - Biomass to power is on the rise globally

The World-Market Status special report – Using a variety of technologies to convert organic matter into fuel, biomass is a widely used renewable energy source in the global market. Nevertheless, the primary markets for biomass are changing, and while transport fuels stabilise, heat and electricity are increasing.

REMIPEG Report: Part 3 - After a major dive, geothermal power is growing rapidly

The World-Market Status special report – Although still relatively small, the geothermal market has shown strong growth in 2015, and some favorable condition may soon give it a boost. The pacific “ring of fire” countries are the sole manufacturers of geothermal power, with the US leading as the biggest single producer of electricity from geothermal energy.

REMIPEG Report: Part 4 - Hydropower maintaining its supremacy in 2014

The World-Market Status special report – With its environmental, social and technical benefits acknowledged more than ever, hydro continues to play a strong and vital role, as the leading renewable energy source.

REMIPEG Report: Part 5 - Photovoltaic growth slow despite new opportunities in emerging markets

The World-Market Status special report – In a strong shift from previous years of European leadership, Asia takes lead in the PV market with more than half of the total world market. Europe settles as the second largest market, followed by North America.

What next for demand side response?

Britain's mild autumn so far has been a pleasant surprise for most of us, but a nasty shock for the UK electric grid operator. Although the weather forecasters may soon get their predicted freezing gales and heavy snowfall, a chill wind has already blown industry expectations off course when unexpected plant shortages sent wholesale prices rocketing an average of £60/MWh to £2,500MWh.

REMIPEG Report: Part 6 - Uncertain future for solar thermal power

The World-Market Status special report – The solar thermal power market grew after a period of uncertainty during the global recession. Despite this growth, the future of solar thermal power is still unclear, unlike other alternatives (such as PV), which are gaining popularity thanks to continued cost reductions.

REMIPEG Report: Part 7 - Wind Energy still going strong with two Asian leaders

The final part in our World-Market Status special report – The global wind market established a new record in 2014 with more than 51 GW of newly installed capacity worldwide, exceeding the previous 2012 record by 15%.

Microgrids enter the mainstream

Microgrids offer a highly flexible, modular and scalable solution, which will facilitate the adoption of renewable sources at the point of power demand suggest Celine Mahieux and Alexandre Oudalov from ABB.

A comparison of energy vectors in powering hybrid buses

HORIBA MIRA’s Derek Charters, Senior Consultant – Future Transport Technologies, analyses the different energy vectors used by bus manufacturers and introduces the benefits of utilising liquid nitrogen.

Japan: Land of the rising sun?

In the wake of the Fukushima disaster Japan has looked to renewables to fill the gap left by nuclear. But with a nuclear re-start now looming, is Japan’s resolve wavering? Rachel Parkes reports in the first of a two-part series.