Betting $1 Million on Offshore New Jersey Wind Paid Off Big Time

Over the past year, U.S. Wind got calls “every day” to sell a lease the energy company bought for $1 million in 2015 in its push to build a wind farm off the New Jersey coast.

Consumer demand drives record year for wind energy purchases, AWEA says

Fortune 500 brands and a range of other non-utility entities are catalyzing America’s growing demand for renewable energy by purchasing a record amount of wind power in 2018, according to a recent report by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). Consumer demand combined with policy stability and low, stable prices helped wind power capacity installations rise to the third strongest quarter in the industry’s history.

The Caribbean’s Untapped Renewable Energy Potential

The global strategy for mitigating climate change is no secret. Most countries have embarked on an initiative to transition to clean energy sources. According to a study by scientists from the universities of Oxford and Utrecht, we will almost certainly pass a point of no return for dealing with global warming if governments worldwide don’t transition away from fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas, towards renewable energy by 2035. This would mean that renewables would need to see their total share of power generation increase by at least two percent per year.

FERC issues NOPR on expedited hydro licensing process

Late last week, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in the U.S. proposed to expedite the issuance of original hydropower licenses for certain qualifying facilities at existing non-powered dams and closed-loop pumped storage projects.

SEPA Explores DERMS at #DTECH2019

Just the number of acronyms in the headline for this article ought to offer a tiny glimpse into the complexity surrounding the deployment of Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems (DERMS). On Monday, during DistribuTECH, the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) held a grid management working group meeting to discuss what requirements are necessary for successful DERMS deployment.

China’s Wind Industry Installs More than 20 GW of Capacity in 2018 and Curtailment Decreases

Analysts at Huajin Securities in China said they expect newly installed capacity nationwide for 2018 to be somewhere between 21 and 22 GW, and that the wind power curtailment rate would continue to drop. Newly installed capacity for wind power is expected to continue to grow steadily over the next two years, while the proportion of the country’s total power sourced from wind is expected to continue to increase as well.

Tour highlight: Pilot solar farm offers lessons learned

It is a bit ironic to visit a solar farm on a foggy, overcast morning, but you have to take whatever weather you are given – in New Orleans in early February. At least it wasn’t raining, which was definitely in the forecast just the day before.

How Utilities and Consumers Can Join Forces to Power the Sustainable Future

Since 1996, the World Bank reports we have massively reduced our energy consumption per capita from 3879kg to 2775kg oil equivalent. However, since 2014 progress has plateaued somewhat, and with some ways towards meeting minimum environmental goals, we have taken all the easiest steps towards greater efficiency and the need to shift our attention to significant minimal gains. Initiatives from the smart meter roll out to environmental levies peron suppliers are bringing attention to the way we generate and consume energy. Meanwhile in the retail sector, ‘all green’ energy tariffs from the likes of Bulb and Ovo are gaining market share.

Chinese Solar Manufacturers Increased Production, Export in 2018 While Domestic Installations Fell

In 2018, 43 GW of new PV installation capacity was added to the grid in China, a decline of 18 percent from the prior year. Accumulated PV installed capacity surpassed 170 GW. Of the total, 20 GW were distributed PV, up 5 percent. Some 23 GW were centralized PV, down 31 percent. The country’s PV sector showed dramatic growth in electricity production last year. The curtailment rate of PV power systems declined from a double-digit number to around 3 percent.

Demand Charges Could Jeopardize Rooftop Solar in New York

In New York, and cities around the world, extreme weather events have become the new norm. Even six years later as we prepare for the L train shutdown for storm-related repairs, we’re still seeing the effects of Hurricane Sandy, which knocked out power to more than eight million households.