The Politics Behind Ocasio-Cortez and the ‘Green New Deal’

Hundreds of young activists stormed Nancy Pelosi’s office after Democrats won the House in November, inspired by the new hero of the left, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who briefly joined them in a live-streamed protest to demand passage of a radical plan to fight climate change.

PG&E Seeks Court Protection From Federal Regulators on Renewable Energy PPASs

PG&E Corp. is seeking court protection to amend or cancel power purchase agreements with suppliers as part of its bankruptcy proceedings.

Tesla 50-MW Battery Sparks New Projects After Promising Run

A year after Elon Musk rolled out what was then the world’s biggest lithium-ion battery to aid South Australia’s blackout-prone power grid, more projects are set to follow in its footsteps at home and abroad.

Surprised by Cheap Clean Energy, Coal Stalwart Adds Renewables

Marubeni Corp., the Japanese trading house for whom coal makes up about a quarter of its power generation, never expected renewable energy prices to plunge as much as they have.

Experts Agree: There is No Clear Winner or Loser in Power Generation Technologies

At a mega-session during POWER-GEN International, a panel made up of utility resource planners, transmission operators and generation technology experts all seemed to come to the same conclusion: when it comes to picking energy generation technologies for the future, there is no standout technology. Each technology comes with a series of pros and cons that must be weighed in order to set a course for the future.

Siemens Secures Landmark UK Grid Project for 950 MW Windfarm

Siemens has won its largest ever UK grid access contract with a deal to connect a 950 MW offshore windfarm.

Forecasting the Energy Community: Open Call for the Inaugural Season of a Fantasy Energy League

Fantasy sports and the energy industry might not have much in common on the surface, but I’ve always personally approached these two passions of mine in similar ways: obsessively reading the breaking news, following my favorite experts in the community on social media, and diving deep into the available statistics to create graphs and try to come up with hot takes. I think the fantasy sports model can be used to encourage an academic and educational exercise in the energy industry, so it struck me—I should establish the first fantasy league for the energy sector!

Western Australia’s Horizon Power Embarks on DERMS Project To Manage PV & Batteries

Last week, PXiSE Energy Solutions, LLC a subsidiary of Sempra Energy and Mitsui & Co. Ltd., announced that Horizon Power would be installing the company’s Active Control Technology (ACT) as the distributed energy resources management system (DERMS) in Western Australia.

Getting Renewables Strategy Right and Avoiding Pitfalls in Middle East

The outlook for renewables in the Middle East is encouraging. Recent tenders, such as in Saudi Arabia and neighboring Egypt, have demonstrated considerable investor appetite, competitive prices, and a strong market for clean energy.

The Yellow Vests Movement Isn’t Anti-Climate Action; It’s Pro-Social Justice

The Yellow Vests riots sweeping across France have grabbed headlines as governments gather in Katowice, Poland for the UN climate conference (COP24). This is the most widespread and violent protest in France since the 2005 suburban riots, and perhaps even 1968. While the unrest initially erupted as a protest against the latest rise in fuel taxes, which the government has now agreed to postpone, some are attributing the riots to a backlash against carbon taxes and climate action. This is a misguided conclusion.