EU Unveils Plan to Cut Emissions to Zero

The European Union unveiled its long-term vision on combating climate change in a push for more ambitious action on the environment just days after U.S. President Donald Trump rejected his government’s warning on the economic costs of global warming.

Hungary Plans to Ditch Coal by 2030 and Become Fully Reliant on Renewable Energy

Following yet another hike in the European Union's emissions trading system (ETS) in its fight against climate change, Hungary has announced that it aims to phase out its use of coal and be fully reliant on renewable energy sources by 2030

Enel Named Amongst the Top 12 Corporate Startup Stars

Italian multinational utility Enel has been recognized as one of the world’s most active companies in the open innovation field.

Ontario to Set Targets for Industries to Cut Carbon Emissions

Ontario plans to cut carbon gas emissions by 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030, setting reduction targets for industries and encouraging private investments in clean technologies.

Exxon Will Use Wind, Solar to Produce Crude Oil in 'Historically Unprecedented' Deal

Exxon Mobil Corp. will use renewable energy to produce oil in West Texas.

Wisconsin Energy Leader and PGI Committee Member Jeff Anthony Dies

Anthony spent numerous years giving of his time as a committee member for the Renewable Energy World Conference and Expo North America. This past week he was a committee member for POWER-GEN International.

China Hopes to Lessen Solar, Wind Curtailment in 2019

China set three-year targets for allowing more wind and solar power onto the power grid after the rapid addition of panels and windmills forced some electricity distributors to partly block that energy from flowing into their systems.

Nordex wins biggest ever wind turbine deal

Windpower group Nordex has won its largest order to date in a deal with E.ON and Credit Suisse for 114 turbines at a 475 MW project

Xcel Becomes First Big U.S. Utility to Swear Off Greenhouse Gas

Xcel Energy Inc. became the first major U.S. utility owner to pledge to fully phase out carbon-dioxide emissions that cause global warming.

Exxon Puts $1 Million Into Quest for Carbon Tax-and-Rebate Plan

An effort to put a tax on carbon dioxide emissions just won an unlikely underwriter: a top producer of oil and gas.