Western Australia’s Horizon Power Embarks on DERMS Project To Manage PV & Batteries

Last week, PXiSE Energy Solutions, LLC a subsidiary of Sempra Energy and Mitsui & Co. Ltd., announced that Horizon Power would be installing the company’s Active Control Technology (ACT) as the distributed energy resources management system (DERMS) in Western Australia.

Nevada National Security Site Installs Solar, Begins Era of Net-zero Energy Buildings

The Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) inaugurated the Mercury Solar Project late last month and moved it further down the path of sustainability, giving NNSA its first net-zero-energy building.

Rhode Island Encourages Brownfield Solar Projects

A Rhode Island program promoting solar development on polluted properties could help relieve tensions between the state’s fast-growing solar industry and conservationists concerned with preserving green space.

Getting Renewables Strategy Right and Avoiding Pitfalls in Middle East

The outlook for renewables in the Middle East is encouraging. Recent tenders, such as in Saudi Arabia and neighboring Egypt, have demonstrated considerable investor appetite, competitive prices, and a strong market for clean energy.

Texas Co-op Upping Solar Farm Procurement to 50-plus MW

The deal brings CoServ’s stake to 51.5 MW of the 100-MW Lapetus project. Brazos Electric Power Cooperative is the generation and transmission provider on the procurement.

The Yellow Vests Movement Isn’t Anti-Climate Action; It’s Pro-Social Justice

The Yellow Vests riots sweeping across France have grabbed headlines as governments gather in Katowice, Poland for the UN climate conference (COP24). This is the most widespread and violent protest in France since the 2005 suburban riots, and perhaps even 1968. While the unrest initially erupted as a protest against the latest rise in fuel taxes, which the government has now agreed to postpone, some are attributing the riots to a backlash against carbon taxes and climate action. This is a misguided conclusion.

France Will Save Billions By Investing in Renewables Instead of Nukes

France will save 39 billion euros ($44.5 billion) if it refrains from building 15 new nuclear plants by 2060, and bets instead on renewable energy sources to replace its all its aging atomic facilities, a government agency said.

Trump’s Solar Tariffs Blamed for 15 Percent Decline in Large-Scale Solar Installations in Q3 2018

On Thursday, Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) reported results of their analysis of U.S. solar installations in the third quarter of 2018. While large-scale solar installations fell, the residential market continued to stabilize after falling in 2017, said the analysts. Overall, they said they expect 2018 growth to be flat.

South Africa's Eskom Facing `Death Spiral' Driven by Distributed Solar Energy

Bloated by debt, bled by corruption and battered by structurally declining sales, South African power utility Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd. is facing what’s known in the industry as a “death spiral.”

DNV GL Launches Mobile Solar PV Laboratory in India

Advisory and certification company DNV GL has launched a new mobile laboratory service for the onsite testing of PV modules in India.