New York Sets Sights on Energy Efficiency and Storage with New Targets, Incentives

Last week, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that the New York State Public Service Commission approved two initiatives to increase New York's energy efficiency and energy storage targets.

The Saudis Just Can't Seem to Become the Saudi Arabia of Solar

Around the world, high oil prices tend to accelerate the shift to renewable energy and electric vehicles. In Saudi Arabia, they have the opposite effect. Over the past six years, the Saudis have announced investments of more than $350 billion aimed at making the sun-drenched kingdom the, well, Saudi Arabia of renewable energy.

Gates, Bezos Among Billionaires Backing Alphabet Molten Salt Energy Storage Spinoff

Alphabet Inc.’s secretive X moonshot lab is spinning off an energy-storage project with backing from billionaires including Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates.

Philadelphia inks 20-year Solar PPA for 70-MW Farm

Developers say the Adams Solar will be the state’s largest such farm, by far, and will sell 100 percent of its power under the long-term PPA with the Philadelphia Energy Authority.

Industry Legend, ex-Duke CEO and Solar Enthusiast Jim Rogers Dies

Rogers was chairman and CEO of North Carolina-based Duke from 2006 until his retirement in 2013. He was named to the top post following the merger with Cinergy, which he led as chairman and CEO for more than 11 years.

SEIA Applauds Washington DC and New York 100 Percent Clean Energy Commitments

This week the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) welcomed the Washington, D.C. City Council’s passage of a landmark bill that will move the District to 100 percent renewable electricity by 2032, including specific requirements to grow solar energy. In addition, SEIA commended New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for pledging to move New York to 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2040, which he announced in a speech on his early 2019 policy agenda.

Notes from the Solar Underground: Is China’s Domestic Solar Industry Too Big To Fail?

Mid-2018 China’s central government threw the entire PV industry, including observers and pundits, into a panic by making drastic changes to its PV deployment that included temporarily halting utility scale deployment, lowering the FiT, shifting economic responsibility to the provinces and, in a related move, attempting (one-more-time) to control the country’s debt problem. Forecasts were lowered, and gloom descended on top of the entire solar industry.

A Senator’s Advice on Political Strategy and Tactics for the Renewable Energy Community

On December 5, at the Solar Energy Industries Association’s Federal and State Policy Summit in Washington DC, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island) presented his perspective on the potential for the renewable energy community to expand its markets through climate, infrastructure, and tax credit legislation; the political obstacles; and how to overcome them.

Happy Holidays from Renewable Energy World

It’s been a turbulent and exciting 2018 over at Renewable Energy World. We have a new parent company, Clarion Energy, and we, as a media outlet, are doing more than ever to support the dynamic and top-quality energy events in the Clarion Energy Power and Energy Series, with shows focused on energy all across the globe.

NV Energy Reorients Generation Mix toward Solar, Retiring Coal

The Public Utility Commission of Nevada has approved NV’s long-term IRP to double its renewable energy capacity by 2023. The utility will bring 1,001 MW of solar capacity online via six new power purchase agreements (PPAs).