Renewable Hungry Companies need to get on the RTO ASAP

The report by recently rebranded Wind-Solar Alliance points out that more than 100 U.S. corporate buyers —members of the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance — have set a goal of purchasing 60 GW of new U.S. renewable energy capacity by 2025. So far, since 2013, the companies have procured just over 13 gigawatts of renewable power.

IEA: World Could Install 1.3 TW of Clean Energy by 2023

The world could install more than a trillion watts of renewable power over the next five years, more than the entire current generation capacity of the European Union.

IRENA: Egypt Could Meet Up to 53 Percent of Electricity Demand with Renewables

Egypt has the potential to meet up to 53 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030, according to a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The Egypt Renewable Energy Outlook, released in Cairo last week in the presence of Egyptian government officials and regional decision makers, found that pursuing higher shares of renewable energy could reduce the country’s energy bill by up to $900 million annually in 2030.

8 Things You Need to Know About the IPCC 1.5˚C Report

While all countries committed under the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature rise to 1.5˚C-2˚C (2.7-3.6˚ F), major questions remained: How can the world achieve this temperature goal? And what happens if it doesn’t?

Could Sustainable Clean Energy Securitization Save the Planet?

The financial instrument that nearly collapsed the global economy is being re-engineered to create a new market with a lofty goal: to save the planet.

Regulations, Not Resource Determine Wind Energy Costs in Northern Europe

Regulations governing the construction of wind farms vary considerably between countries. Indeed, these differences can have a stronger impact on generation costs than differences in wind resources. In the future, northern European cross-border renewable energy auctions should take diverging regulatory conditions into account, a new study argues.

ISO-New England Offers Preview of Pending Energy Storage Market Changes

Excitement over storing electricity, and expectations for new market rules in the U.S. promise great changes in energy. Instead of hype and speculation, this blog offers a preview of those market changes. For those who are waiting for FERC Order 841 to sort things out, ISO-New England has published something you might want to see.

Fueling the Future: How Batteries are Improving, in Three Ways

In the race for the next generation battery, lithium-ion technology has made huge leaps in recent years. But the power packs continue to have drawbacks: they use raw material mined in unstable countries, they’re dangerous if they break and they could pack more power.

FERC Shake-Up Raises Possibility of Coal Bailout

An untimely resignation has given one Kentucky Republican a second shot at saving coal.

PJM joins Energy Web Foundation for Blockchain-based Pilot for Renewable Markets

EWF and PJM Environmental Information Services Inc. (PJM-EIS) announced they are teaming up on developing and testing a market-wide reference implementation of Energy Web Origin for the Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS) administered by PJM-EIS.