UK Firm in Deal with Unilever to Deliver Kenya Offgrid Solar

A UK provider of pay-as-you-go solar home systems has partnered with global consumer goods giant Unilever to deliver solar power to millions of off-grid homes in Kenya.

California, Blockchain, Hydro Licenses and Data Breaches in this Week’s Energy News Wrap-Up

Our weekly energy news wrap-up is brought to you by the Clarion Energy Content Managers. Have a look to see what we view as the most important news of the week.

China Solar Giants Shrug Off Market Fall, Chase Growth Plans

The top solar manufacturers in China are boosting production capacity, betting higher output will help them seize a bigger chunk of the global market that is set for its first-ever annual contraction.

Western States Proceed with Climate Legislation Regardless of Trump’s “ACE” Rule

Spurred by President Trump’s announcement that the United States will abandon commitments President Obama made in the Paris Climate Agreement, western seaboard elected officials are highly motivated to act on climate change, notwithstanding the Trump Administration’s actions to replace the Clean Power Plan. California has a well-established and functioning “cap and trade” program that has survived judicial challenge and been extended through 2030. As the fifth largest economy in the world, California’s efforts are a significant driver for similar programs throughout the nation.

100-MW Tidong hydropower project in India acquired by Statkraft

Statkraft has acquired the 100-MW Tidong hydropower project under construction in India, saying this is in line with the company’s strategy to develop renewable energy generation.

Revival of UN Carbon Market Could Be Coming Soon

After the United Nations’s first attempt to build a global carbon market fizzled from $33 billion to almost nothing, climate envoys from nearly 200 countries are meeting in Bangkok this week to give it another go.

France Names Pro-renewable Energy Minister

Former green lawmaker, Francois de Rugy, has been named France’s energy and environment minister, replacing environmental activist Nicolas Hulot.

Utility-Backed Fund Raises $681 Million to Invest in Clean Tech

A private equity firm backed by some of the world’s largest utilities has raised $681 million to finance startups developing clean-energy technology.

Subsidy-free Solar Farms Popping Up from Britain to Italy

Next to a wheat field north of London, banks of solar panels in 35 neat rows are generating electricity without any support from the government.