Renewables Predicted to Grab Bigger Share of South Africa Energy Mix

South Africa is set for a dramatic shift in its energy mix in the coming years thanks to the government’s decision to restructure its energy output.

Duke Energy Says Solar Assets at Risk of Flood Damage from Hurricane Florence

The utility is preparing for a ‘historic storm that will cause historic damage.’

Most Investors Are Going Green to Make Money, HSBC Says

Make money first, save the planet second. Those are the reasons for most investors to get into green finance, according to HSBC Holdings Plc.

Australian Energy Storage Company Raises AU $16.3 Million in IPO

South Australian energy storage company 1414 Degrees will start trading on the Australian Securities Exchange after raising $16.3 million as part of its IPO.

Spain Plans $116 Billion Energy Retrofit

The Spanish government is exploring ways to persuade investors to finance a 100 billion-euro ($116 billion) transformation of its energy system as it tries to move beyond past policy mistakes that led to widespread losses and lawsuits.

Global Climate Summit Celebrates Emission Reduction Progress; Calls for Bolder Action to Meet Paris Climate Goals

On the premise that the nations of the world are not doing enough to meet the goals of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, Governor Jerry Brown, New York City’s former Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other dignitaries convened a high-profile international gathering in San Francisco September 12-14 to inspire more ambitious action and showcase successful efforts.

The 100 Percent Renewables Vision is Reachable Says Wartsila

“Smart technology is unlocking the 100 per cent renewables future,” said the boss of Wartsila Energy Solutions today.

Energy Poll: 8 out of 10 South Koreans Want Clean Energy

According to the survey of 1,003 South Koreans across the nation, 86.2 percent of respondents said they are in favor of the expansion of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power.

Analyst: We've Misunderstood Energy Efficiency

According to energy expert, Amory Lovins, CEO of the Rocky Mountain Institute, the energy industry has vastly misunderstood the scope of the energy efficiency resource. Lovins claims that it’s design, not technology that can achieve incredibly energy efficiency gains. Using his own home in the Colorado Rocky Mountains as an example, Lovins shows how simple changes in design have allowed him to grow banana crops using only natural sunlight and reduce the amount of energy he uses significantly.

US Residential and Commercial Installed Solar PV Prices Still Dropping

According to the latest edition of Lawrence Berkley National Lab’s (LBNL’s) “Tracking the Sun” report, the median installed price for a solar PV system in the first part of 2018 was $2.2/W for a large non-residential system (up to 5 MW in capacity), representing a 5 percent decline over the previous period.