Bullet Train Thinking: How Japan Hopes to Lead a Global Hydrogen Revolution

“Japan will present hydrogen to the rest of the world as a new energy choice and will lead global efforts for establishing a carbon-free society taking advantage of Japan’s strong points,” read a statement from Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as it unveiled the country’s ground-breaking Basic Hydrogen Strategy last December.

Trump Officials Helped Edit ‘Bomb Cyclone’ Report to Boost Coal

Trump administration officials pushed to highlight the value of coal-fired power plants in a government report on the “bomb cyclone” that plunged the Eastern U.S. into single-digit temperatures last January.

The Long Unraveling of Tesla’s Master Plan

While this week’s episode of Tesla Inc. has left us with several cliffhangers, it did show one thing: just how far the company has veered from Elon Musk’s secret “Master Plan” of 2006.

Is Climate Change or Negligence Responsible for Calif. Fires?

It was California’s biggest fire yet. In late July and August, wildfires devastated an area north of San Francisco far bigger than New York City, destroying more than 100 homes and injuring 2 fire fighters. It’s just one in a rash of fast-spreading blazes that have killed at least 56 people this year and last in the Golden State.

Hydro Tasmania Eyes Pumped Hydro To Shore Up Renewables

Chris Gwynne stands in a ravine below a towering dam in the Tasmanian wilderness and ponders whether the giant concrete structure can withstand the politics that may keep it from playing a key role in Australia’s clean energy future.

Bloomberg Analyst: Battery Boom Could Burn Investors

Some of the latest battery technologies may become obsolete before reaching the market because of the breakneck pace of advances in the industry.

Clean Energy Claims to Get More Scrutiny

In late May, Warren Buffett’s MidAmerican Energy Co. claimed it was about to become the first U.S. utility with 100 percent renewable energy. It was a little premature and perhaps a bit misleading.

EPA Announces Roll Backs To Clean Power Plan; Industry Reacts

Continuing on U.S. President Trump’s campaign promise to revive the coal industry, on Tuesday, August 21, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced plans to significantly alter the Clean Power Plan (CPP), shrinking some of the emission reduction targets that were set in place under the CPP by former President Obama.

How to Get EV Charging Infrastructure in the Fast Lane

To face environmental changes head-on and meet greenhouse gas targets by 2030, three-fifths of our vehicles must be electric.

DNV GL in World First for Solar PV

Testing and risk management company DNV GL has issued the world’s first project certificate for photovoltaic power plants.