Op-ed: POWER-GEN at 30 Strives for Simply Irresistible

POWER-GEN International will celebrate its 30th birthday when it begins next week in Orlando at the Orange County Convention Center’s West Halls. Like most 30-somethings, PGI is vastly more educated, both of the hard-knocks and academic kind, carries more responsibility and yet remains ever more uncertain of what the future holds.

EU Unveils Plan to Cut Emissions to Zero

The European Union unveiled its long-term vision on combating climate change in a push for more ambitious action on the environment just days after U.S. President Donald Trump rejected his government’s warning on the economic costs of global warming.

Hungary Plans to Ditch Coal by 2030 and Become Fully Reliant on Renewable Energy

Following yet another hike in the European Union's emissions trading system (ETS) in its fight against climate change, Hungary has announced that it aims to phase out its use of coal and be fully reliant on renewable energy sources by 2030

EV Charging Infrastructure Company Attracts Largest Funding to Date at $240M

This week, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging network provider, ChargePoint, announced that it has raised $240 Million in Series H funding, which is more capital than any other EV infrastructure company in the world, surmising in its press release that the move to electrify transportation is accelerating.

Ontario to Set Targets for Industries to Cut Carbon Emissions

Ontario plans to cut carbon gas emissions by 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030, setting reduction targets for industries and encouraging private investments in clean technologies.

Xcel Becomes First Big U.S. Utility to Swear Off Greenhouse Gas

Xcel Energy Inc. became the first major U.S. utility owner to pledge to fully phase out carbon-dioxide emissions that cause global warming.

Italian Innovation on Display at POWER-GEN International

The panel explored Electric Vehicles in particular, with an emphasis on how the coming transition to an electrified transportation sector will affect the utility grid and the demand curve

Tesla 50-MW Battery Sparks New Projects After Promising Run

A year after Elon Musk rolled out what was then the world’s biggest lithium-ion battery to aid South Australia’s blackout-prone power grid, more projects are set to follow in its footsteps at home and abroad.

Experts Agree: There is No Clear Winner or Loser in Power Generation Technologies

At a mega-session during POWER-GEN International, a panel made up of utility resource planners, transmission operators and generation technology experts all seemed to come to the same conclusion: when it comes to picking energy generation technologies for the future, there is no standout technology. Each technology comes with a series of pros and cons that must be weighed in order to set a course for the future.

Forecasting the Energy Community: Open Call for the Inaugural Season of a Fantasy Energy League

Fantasy sports and the energy industry might not have much in common on the surface, but I’ve always personally approached these two passions of mine in similar ways: obsessively reading the breaking news, following my favorite experts in the community on social media, and diving deep into the available statistics to create graphs and try to come up with hot takes. I think the fantasy sports model can be used to encourage an academic and educational exercise in the energy industry, so it struck me—I should establish the first fantasy league for the energy sector!