Tesla Forms Special Committee to Explore Privatization

On Aug 14, Tesla announced that its Board of Directors formed a special committee comprised of three independent directors to act on behalf of the company in connection with Elon Musk’s previously announced consideration of a transaction to take the company private.

Clean Energy Claims to Get More Scrutiny

In late May, Warren Buffett’s MidAmerican Energy Co. claimed it was about to become the first U.S. utility with 100 percent renewable energy. It was a little premature and perhaps a bit misleading.

EPA Announces Roll Backs To Clean Power Plan; Industry Reacts

Continuing on U.S. President Trump’s campaign promise to revive the coal industry, on Tuesday, August 21, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced plans to significantly alter the Clean Power Plan (CPP), shrinking some of the emission reduction targets that were set in place under the CPP by former President Obama.

Capital Dynamics Lines Up $1.2 Billion to Buy Renewables

Capital Dynamics, one of the biggest buyers of U.S. solar farms, closed a $1.2 billion fund to acquire even more clean-power plants.

The World’s Oldest Metal Ushers in Solar Energy Boom

When you examine the solar industry’s trajectory over the last decade, the growth is undeniable. According to a recent report by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), solar energy generation has grown annually by 59 percent on average during the last 10 years; generating enough electricity to power 10.1 million homes. With 1.6 million solar installations currently installed in the U.S. and 4 million expected to be installed by 2023, the nation stands to increase solar energy generation from 53 to 100 gigawatts (GW) of electric generating capacity within the next four years.

EV Charging Firm to Use Blockchain Token Technology

UK blockchain solutions firm Energi Mine has entered into a partnership with electric vehicle charger start-up Solisco.

Solar Companies Flock to Illinois, Bringing Jobs, Enthusiasm and Some Questions

The family company Wellspring Components started four generations ago to fabricate metal for horse-drawn buggies for Amish families in Indiana. Today, its offshoot Wellspring Solar is among a growing number of national and Midwestern companies launching new solar operations in Illinois, thanks to incentives under the state’s Future Energy Jobs Act.

India Gets Solar, Wind and Storage Hybrid Plant

A 41 MW solar photovoltaic, wind, and battery storage hybrid plant is being built in India.

California One Step Closer to 100 Percent Renewable Energy Obligation

Yesterday another milestone was reached in California’s march toward a 100 percent renewable energy mandate with the passing of SB100 by the Assembly. The bill will require the state to receive 50 percent of its electricity from renewables by 2026; 60 percent by 2030 and 100 percent by 2045. The current law requires the state to get 50 percent of its electricity from renewables by 2030.