Fluence Collaborates on Utility-Scale Energy Storage Roll Out in Asia

Fluence — the energy storage joint venture of Siemens and AES — has agreed to collaborate on new utility-scale energy storage development and investment opportunities in Asia Pacific markets.

Siemens Will Give Proposed Battery Factory in Sweden a Digital Backbone

Siemens and Northvolt AB have entered a technology partnership that will deliver solutions to digitize the value chain for NorthVolt’s proposed battery factory in Sweden.

UK Energy Industry Launches Coalition on Gender Diversity

A new initiative has been launched to boost the number of women at senior levels and middle management in the UK energy industry.

The Energy Leaders’ Coalition comprises eight of the leading chief executives from the UK’s energy sector – of which only two are women – who are making a public declaration to improve gender diversity in their companies and in the sector as a whole.

New Charging Networks are Furthering Utilities’ E-Mobility Plans for Europe

Two utilities serving European markets this week said they are expanding their e-mobility plans with the launch of new electric vehicle charging networks.

Nevada Utility Is Putting $2 Billion into Solar Power and Storage

Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary NV Energy is planning to invest $2 billion on solar power from six new projects in Nevada representing 1 GW of capacity.

China Strives to Speed Up Development of EV Charging Stations

China plans to build a network of 12,000 charging stations to meet the power demands of 5 million EVs by 2020.

First Grid-Scale Liquid Air Energy Storage Plant Commissioned

U.K.-based Highview Power today commissioned what it says is the world’s first demonstration of grid-scale liquid air energy storage technology.

First Grid-Scale Energy Summit Will Highlight Storage "Beyond Batteries"

In the 2019 FY Budget, the office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) included a $90M request to fund a new initiative it calls “Beyond Batteries.” The initiative is part of the DOE Grid Modernization Initiative, and focuses on new approaches to energy storage, which could include hybrid technologies such as pairing hydropower with solar or wind energy in order to provide a stable, dispatchable energy supply.

Unpacking the Energy Storage Opportunity in America

Storage is rightfully one of the hottest topics in the energy industry right now. The potential benefits and profitability has prompted plenty of excitement — and questions — among industry leaders. 

Regulators Approve Five Grid-Scale Lithium-Ion Battery Projects for Southern California

Regulators in California gave San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) approval to move forward with development of five grid-scale lithium-ion battery projects in San Diego and Orange counties.