Climate Pledges of the World Are Not ‘Ambitious Enough’

Speaking at the start of a new round of climate talks in Bonn, Germany, today, Patricia Espinosa, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, said the current climate pledges put forth by signatories of the Paris Agreement “simply aren’t ambitious enough.”

Blockchain’s Potential for Managing the Impact of Renewables and Peer-to-Peer Sales

Blockchain has the potential to change the business world as we know it today. Entire value chains can be shortened by it — including in the energy industry.

Building on the Promise of Solar+EV Charging

A group of organizations led by the Great Plains Institute will work together to assess the potential value of treating renewable energy generation and controlled EV charging as a single linked technology that benefits utilities and consumers.

Solar Plus Multi-Storage Restores Power to Families in Puerto Rico

In an Aug. 2 Renewable Energy World article, we reported “Achieving 100 Percent Residential Renewables in Hawaii with Solar+Multi-Storage” since April 2017, 500 hours off-grid and 220 hours grid-tied, using Tabuchi Electric hybrid solar inverter with single embedded battery (10 kWh) and an ROI of three years. 

Water-Based Battery Offers New Option for Utility-Scale Solar, Wind

Stanford University researchers have developed a water-based battery that could provide a cheap way to store wind or solar energy generated when the sun is shining and wind is blowing so it can be fed back into the electric grid and be redistributed when demand is high.

How Renewables Lead to a World of Peak Energy

It can be hard to get your head around just how much energy the world uses. Expressed in terms of oil, it was equivalent to almost 14 billion metric tons of the stuff in 2017. That’s like burning through all of Russia’s proved reserves in the space of 12 months, which is, in technical terms, a lot.

New Jersey's Planned $4.1B Clean Energy Investment includes $180M for Storage

New Jersey’s biggest utility says it can make money by getting its customers to use less of what it sells.

From the Clean Power Plan to ACE: Why Not Much Has Changed

Has the environment for electricity generation changed dramatically since the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan began its slow exit from public and regulatory consciousness several months ago? Not really!

Trump's FERC Pick Could Tip Balance in Favor of Coal Bailout

U.S. President Donald Trump tapped Energy Department staffer Bernard McNamee to join the nation’s top energy regulator, potentially smoothing the path for a brewing bailout of money-losing coal and nuclear plants.

Ørsted Acquires Deepwater Wind for $510 Million

On Monday, global offshore wind leader Ørsted announced that it had entered into an agreement to acquire a 100 percent of Rhode Island-based Deepwater Wind at a purchase price of US $510 million. Deepwater wind built the first U.S. offshore wind farm — the 30-MW Block Island Wind — and is currently constructing two additional facilities off Long Island, New York (South Fork at 90 MW) and Connecticut (Revolution Wind at 600 MW).