Report: $2.4 Trillion Clean Energy Investment Needed To Avoid Climate Catastrophe

The world must invest $2.4 trillion in clean energy every year through 2035 and cut the use of coal-fired power to almost nothing by 2050 to avoid catastrophic damage from climate change, according to scientists convened by the United Nations.

Wind and Solar Power Changing How Coal Plants Operate

The Gentleman coal plant was once the linchpin of Nebraska’s electricity grid, its twin smokestacks visible for miles across the prairie. Now, the state’s biggest power source is routinely pushed aside to make room for more wind and solar energy.

Exxon Puts $1 Million Into Quest for Carbon Tax-and-Rebate Plan

An effort to put a tax on carbon dioxide emissions just won an unlikely underwriter: a top producer of oil and gas.

U.S. Department of Energy To Bring $40B Cash to POWER-GEN International

After wallowing in limbo for the first part of 2018 awaiting re-authorization, the Loan Program Office (LPO) at the Department of Energy is back in business with about $40 billion burning a hole in its proverbial pocket. Mike Reed, Director and Chief Engineer of the Technical and Project Management Division of the LPO and his team are planning to hit POWER-GEN 2018 in Orlando, Florida in December to identify people and projects that might need financing.

Kickstarting the Energy Revolution: How Crowdfunding is Pushing the Renewable Energy Transition

When innovators come up with the idea for the next great technological breakthrough, the first roadblocks to seeing that idea to fruition are typically funding. Among renewable energy inventions, this need is typically filled through wealthy private investors, venture capital firms, or government grants. But today, in the age of the Internet, budding entrepreneurs have taken their funding needs online through crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo.

Centrica says distributed energy tech could slash UK emissions

The UK could meet a significant slice of carbon emissions’ target if it more widely deployed distributed energy technologies.

IRENA: Egypt Could Meet Up to 53 Percent of Electricity Demand with Renewables

Egypt has the potential to meet up to 53 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030, according to a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The Egypt Renewable Energy Outlook, released in Cairo last week in the presence of Egyptian government officials and regional decision makers, found that pursuing higher shares of renewable energy could reduce the country’s energy bill by up to $900 million annually in 2030.

Cybersecurity Pact for Europe’s Energy Sector

A European cybersecurity pact has been agreed that is intended to make “the tools of the energy transition safe for citizens and secure for providers”.

Global Electrification Goals Are Driving Microgrid Market

According to the Microgrid Market Growth Potential - Industry Size Outlook Report 2024, the microgrid market is expected to reach $19 billion by 2024, nearly five times the original valuation of this business space in 2016.

Energy Storage in California is About to Get MUCH Cleaner. Here’s How.

California recently joined other leading states, provinces, cities, and corporations around the world by setting an ambitious 100 percent carbon-free electricity target. It’s a landmark, not because California was the first, but because it is the biggest. The state ranks as the fifth-largest economy in the world.