Why Commercial Buildings Need to Get Smarter About Energy and How EMS Can Help

New state energy goals and innovative utility program offerings have been making headlines in recent months. These types of regional policies and incentives are important, especially as we face challenges ranging from grid constraints and fluctuating electricity prices to environmental concerns, but significant portions of the country are outside of the direct influence of energy use mandates and incentives.

Italy on a Clear Path to Renewable-Dominant Future

Latest market outlook report predicts that the country will get more than half of its power from hon-hydro renewables by 2030.

Opportunity, Or What Happens When Utilities and Regulators Get Serious about Decarbonization

Utilities across the country are increasingly taking a proactive role on initiatives to advance clean energy and grid modernization. But to hear a utility CEO like Kipp focus unequivocally on one of the most critical drivers for the growth of solar and storage was striking — and yet another sign of the sector’s ongoing transformation.

DigiKoo: A German Solution to the Utility Data Sharing Conundrum

For most of their history, in North America, electrical utilities have been centralized distribution networks. Utility operated generation resources are the hub of the network and electricity flows one-way via distribution networks largely controlled by the same utilities. In this model, there has been little reason for utilities to share anything but a small slice of data about their operations with anyone else other than themselves.

How Digitalization and Blockchain Can Unlock an Energy Trading Revolution

Digital solutions could revolutionize energy trading if they were adopted more widely across the market.

Putting PURPA Under a Microscope

A 40-year-old law that’s been key to the growth of renewable energy in the U.S. may be due for an overhaul.

10 Options and 5 Case Studies Show How to Reform Utility Business Models

Experts from Rocky Mountain Institute, the Advanced Energy Economy Institute and America’s Power Plan have released a new report that shows why new utility business models are key to the energy transition.

Electricity is the ‘New Fuel of Choice’ Says IEA

According to the International Energy Agency, “2018 is the year of electricity” and global electricity supply “is being transformed by the rise of renewables”.

California ‘Smart Home Study’ Underway

The California Energy Commission (CEC) is funding a study that it hopes will result in lower utility bills for customers and more control over electricity load for utilities. The project will involve 100 homeowners in Southern California who will install various types of distributed energy resources (DER) such as thermostats, load control switches, batteries, water heaters and eventually electric vehicle chargers.

Buildings Are Becoming Energy Hubs: How Utilities Can Adapt

As utility customers invest more in advanced energy technologies, buildings are becoming dynamic energy hubs. Anywhere, anytime, a building could be a consumer, storage point, or generator of energy. And a building’s energy profile could change instantaneously as it responds to signals from internal controls, the grid operator, or third parties to deploy assets like controllable water heaters, smart equipment, solar, and storage.