FERC should grant Voltus petition for a technical conference on Order 2222
Independent System Operator (ISO) compliance plans for FERC Order 2222 are on their last stretch, with PJM and ISO-NE filing coming up here in February and MISO and SPP plans due in April. Voltus, an energy aggregator, petitioned FERC for a technical conference on these compliance plans.…
Three reasons why MISO and SPP must jointly plan the transmission system
At the January 11 policy meeting, SPP staff explained their rationale to skip an economic planning cycle in favor of reliability planning studies due to the potential for misalignment of planning assessments in 2025. MISO had seen this before and did the same thing, skipping the 2020 “futures”…
Clean Energy Groups Technical Assistance Fund: 2021 Year-in-Review
By Marriele Mango, Clean Energy Group 2021 was another year of severe weather and power outages. No region of the country was immune. In Texas, an isolated and fossil-fuel dependent grid was unable to withstand record-low winter temperatures, resulting in almost the entire state without power and…
Quick fix: Why FERC should approve the SOO Green transmission project
PJM and its market monitor never agree, but they agree on the topic of treating SOO Green as an external capacity. SOO Green is a High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) merchant transmission project that aims to bring Midwest renewable resources to PJM. SOO Green’s uniqueness is that it is all…
COP26 a washout? Don’t lose hope – here’s why
It’s fair to say that there has been a lot of pressure on Glasgow’s COP26 to deliver. Since the last climate conference took place in Madrid in 2019, we’ve seen wildfires in Greece, Australia, Canada, and South America, biblical floods in China, the UK, Germany and America,…
New Mexico co-op dumps monopoly supplier to offer more solar
Originally published on Rural areas are sometimes isolated, disconnected from modern conveniences and the latest technologies. The digital divide is real, but one cooperative in New Mexico is proving to be an exception as it connects customers to affordable solar energy and reliable…
Build Louisiana Back Resilient
By Logan Atkinson Burke, Alliance for Affordable Energy, and Marriele Mango, Clean Energy Group The crisis that unfolded in Louisiana after Hurricane Ida was tragic and all too familiar. Like Hurricane Katrina and numerous storms before it, Hurricane Ida demolished Louisiana’s outdated,…
Des Moines, Iowa commits to 24/7 clean electricity
Originally published on Though it’s insulated from sea level rise, the state of Iowa faces many dangerous climate change impacts — which in turn threaten the nation’s food supply. Fortunately, the state is rich in renewable energy potential and eager advocates who…
Exploring Europe’s approach to offshore wind and green hydrogen
The Clean Energy States Alliance recently released a new report that looks at the development of green hydrogen (H2) from offshore wind. Georgena Terry chatted with report author Val Stori to glean some of the highlights from the report. Scottish offshore energy company Equinor has…
MISO surprises with FERC Order 2222 implementation date
Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) surprised the entire stakeholder community with a 2030 proposed implementation date for complying with FERC’s Order 2222, which opened wholesale energy markets to distributed energy resources. MISO’s primary reasoning for the long lead time is…