If you are a solar panel installer, you need to have detailed information about various types of solar mounting systems.

By having all the required information handy, you can offer appropriate and customized solutions to your clients.

There are various types of solar panel mounting systems, and you can install them according to the roof structure of your customers’ residential or commercial buildings.

Firstly, pitched-roof is one of the sub-types of a solar mounting system. Other sub-types are sloped roof mounting system, flat-roof mounting system, and solar shingles.

In this post, we would be talking about the pitched-roof solar mounting system, its features, components, and benefits.

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1. What is Pitched-Roof Mounting System?

A pitched-roof mounting system is ideal for installing framed, and frameless solar panel modules flushed to the pitched roof.

This type of solar mounting system has been designed to install for both residential and commercial roof solar system.

The pitched-roof system is available in various sub-types and applied based on the roof structure, including tile, raised panel, in-roof, corrugated, standing seam, and more.

Mainly the pitched-roof system is broadly classified based on its rail sizes. We will discuss it in detail in one of the subsequent sections.

For now, let us talk about the basics of the pitched-roof mounting system. This type of solar mounting system can be installed easily and quickly.

The system comes with high pre-assembly parts and customized solutions that will save your installation time and cost. This is the reason why pitched-roof solar installations are so popular.

To maximize energy production, the system should be installed where the panels are exposed to the maximum sunlight.

An ideal home or office for the pitched-roof mounting system would be a spacious, sunny, south-facing roof with a 30-degree pitch. However, you can install these solar panel mounting systems on most roofs, and your customers can save their electricity costs.

There are many combinations available for installing the pitched roof system. However, various pitches, roof shapes, and roofing can make the installation an individual challenge.

Because of a wide range of modular structure, you can set up a solar power plant on nearly every pitched roof, using all PV modules.

The available components make the system is suitable for various types of pitched roofs, including tile as well as tin. You can fit rails either in portrait or landscape mode depending on requirements.

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 2. Mounting Components

Every pitched-roof mounting system can be customized according to your client’s requirements and includes various components to install the system.

The key components of the pitched-roof system are listed below according to the different available options:

  • Braided Earthing Strap 
  • Rail Splice Kit 
  • End Clamp Kit 
  • Grounding Lug
  • Rail 
  • Inter Clamp Kit 
  • Grounding Washer

The quantity of each component is included in the system and will vary depending on the selected number of solar panels.

3. Types of Mounting Structures

There are seven various types of the pitched-roof solar mounting system. Here are the details.

SingleRail System

The SingleRail system is a low-cost and fast system for direct lateral connections to the rail. You can make customized height adjustment.

It has a secure snap-in assembly and does not need to be screwed into the base plate.

The SingleRail, along with CrossHook roof hooks is quite long-lasting and versatile.

Roof Fastening Components:

  • CrossBoard: It is an easy solution for skylights, nogging, and others.
  • CrossHook 3S: Used for pantiles, and has three height adjustments in the base plate. It is also suitable for narrow rafters.
  • CrossHook 4S: Used for pantiles with three height adjustments in the base plate. More height adjustment can be made at the bracket itself. Suitable for narrow rafters as well.
  • SingleHook FT: Used for pantiles and flat tiles. Applies on small rafters and independent from rafters.
  • SingleHook: It used for pantiles, and the height can easily be adjusted. SingleHook is also suitable for narrow rafters.
  • Hanger Bolts SR: Used for corrugated fibre-cement roofing with wooden substructures.
  • SingleHook Vario: It is suitable for pantiles and flat tiles. Height can be adjusted at rail connection and battens.
  • Standing Seam Clamps: It is used for various seam types.

SolidRail System

The SolidRail system has a wide range of mounting rails for different load profiles.

This system has a durable and robust structure. Also, it has high flexibility for a diverse range of widths.

Roof Fastening Components:

  • Roof Hook for Coppo Roofing: Height-adjustable under the bracket. Flexible placement on rafters.
  • Vario 1 and 2 Roof Hooks: It is used for pantiles. Height can be adjusted under bracket and at battens.
  • Roof Hook for Pantiles: Has a robust stainless steel design. Available in various sizes.
  • Standing Seam Clamps: Seam metal clamps for standing seam roofs. For example, Rib-Roof.
  • Solar Fasteners: Suitable for corrugated sheet metal or corrugated fibre cement roofing, and trapezoidal sheet metal.
  • Hanger Bolts: Used for corrugated fibre cement or sheet roofing having wooden substructure. Customized height adjustment is possible.
  • Roof Hook for Plain Tile Roofing: Used for double roofing as well.
  • Roof Hook for Slate Roofing: There are three boreholes for a secure fit.

Insertion System

This system can be installed quickly without the need of applying clamps. It is easy to assemble with a few components and without having to use any special tools.

The system has a sleek design, and the continuous closed surface makes it more robust.

Roof Fastening Components:

  • Cable Management: Fast cable connection below the insertion rail. It can manage up to five cables.
  • Cross Connector: Simple mounting. To be fixed for the insertion of rail on SolidRail.
  • Hanger Bolts: Used for corrugated sheet or cement roofing along with wooden substructure. Its height is adjustable.
  • Insertion Rails: Provides a solution for installing an efficient solar module.
  • CrossHook 3S+/4S+: It is both height and laterally adjustable. It also suits for narrow rafters.
  • SolidRail: Solid mounting rail. It has various load conditions. Suitable for large spans.
  • Accessories: Accessories include a connector insertion rai, horizontal end bracket, and side stopper.

MiniRail System

The MiniRail is an inventive and statically optimized smaller mounting system, which can be mounted easily.

It has 5° elevation, improved ventilation, and an optimized module angle. It is a suitable landscape or portrait orientation.

Roof Fastening Components:

  • MiniFive Front and End: It has single-sided easy elevation. It provides improved ventilation and higher output. The module angle is optimized.
  • MiniClamp 30-50mm: It is a universal module clamp, which is rotatable.
  • MiniRail: For portrait and landscape mounting with MiniClamp.
  • Self-tapping Screws: Included in MiniRail along with sealing washers.

SpeedRail System

The SpeedRail System is a long rail system for applying on the trapezoidal sheet as well as a floating suspension with controlled thermal linear expansion.

This system is easy to install and also suitable for high loading.

Roof Fastening Components:

  • SpeedConnector: It is a rail connector for SpeedRail. It has three boreholes for easy and flexible mounting. It comes with a set of countersunk screws.
  • SpeedClip: Simple feature for inserting. Has mounting brackets for SpeedRail. Fastening is done with self-drilling screws for trapezoidal sheet metal.
  • SpeedRail: Mounting rail can easily be inserted into SpeedClips. It is available in various lengths.  
  • SpeedLock: Mounting lock for SpeedRail for thermal expansion. Comes with slot nut and stainless steel screw.

MultiRail System

This system is easy for mounting and works as a short rail component. It is available in different lengths.

Roof Fastening Components:

  • MultiRail 100 mm: The module orientation is horizontal, and the length is around 100 mm.
  • MultiRail 250 mm: Useful for greater flexibility and high loads with horizontal module orientation. Its length is 250 mm.
  • MultiRail 4200 mm: It is a long rail for making customized sizes. Fastening is done manually using adhesive. Its length is 4200 mm.

S-Dome Small System

This mounting system is for roofs that have an inclination of up to 15°. It is an economical option considering materials and transportation. It has strong holding power.

Roof Fastening Components:

  • MultiRail 250 mm: It has four boreholes for roof mounting with up to 15° inclination. Its length is 250 mm.
  • Dome SD Small: A support element for a narrow module.
  • Dome S1000 Small: Works as a support factor for a narrow elevation solar module.
  • FlexClamp Small: It is used for clamping on the long side of a solar module. Its height is adjustable.

4. Features of Pitched-Roof Mounting System

  • Easy to install with minimum components and interchangeable parts
  • A complete range of roof attachments available to meet your clients’ needs
  • Made with robust, light-weight, corrosion-resistant aluminum for durability
  • Quick configuration to streamline the design process
  • It comes with a range of roof attachments to fulfill various requirements.

5. What are the Benefits of Pitched-Roof Solar Mounting System?


A pitched-roof mounting system and its components are corrosion-resistance and made with high-quality stainless steel and anodized aluminum.

This is why the system has a long service life. You can offer a long warranty period (up to 10 years) to your customers.

Easy Installation

This type of roof mounting system has a simple and effective design. It comes with various components that ensure an easy installation process.

During the installation, there are minimal requirements for tools.


The pitched-roof solar mounting system is flexible and compatible with the most solar panels. The system provides a lot of flexibility during installation due to its adjustable module clamps.

Also, the system is suitable for both framed and frameless PV modules, on pitched roofs in old and new buildings with various types of roofing.

Efficiently Works in All Weather Conditions

The sturdy design of the pitched-roof system makes it resist even extreme weather conditions.

The main support components are also strong and provide a structure with the capacity to carry the load.

Closing Words

Pitched-Roof solar mounting systems are popular among both residential and commercial customers. As we have discussed earlier, this solar mounting system is easy to install, flexible, robust, and cost-effective.

The best part about this solar panel pitch-roof mount system is that it is ideal for any roofing type. The rail systems that come with this system are also suitable for various climatic zones.

Overall, it is easy to handle a solar panel mounting system for solar panel installers.

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