China’s Pollution Assault Boosting Solar, Electric Vehicles
04/02/2019Energy Efficiency,Renewable Energy Translations,Solar
China’s efforts to combat pollution are gaining momentum after President Xi Jinping pledged in March at the annual session of the National People’s Congress to punish violators of the nation’s environmental laws with an “iron hand.” Here’s what’s happening and what to expect.
Green Mutual Funds and ETFs May Recover in 2015
04/02/2019Wind Power,Geothermal,Opinion & Commentary,Storage,Bioenergy,Solar,Baseload,Renewable Energy Translations,Energy Efficiency
Alternative energy mutual funds are continuing to recover from a slump which started in fall 2014. Annual returns range greatly, though, from a high of 15.6 percent for Brown Advisory Sustainable Growth (BIAWX), to a low of -15.8 percent for Guinness Atkinson Alternative Energy (GAAEX). The large…
What Americans Think About Climate Change in Seven Maps
04/02/2019Energy Efficiency,Wind Power,Geothermal,Storage,Policy,Hydropower,Bioenergy,Solar,Renewable Energy Translations,Baseload,Editor's Pick,Project Development
Researchers at Yale have unveiled a new interactive map that estimates public opinion on global warming right down to the county level.
Ten Clean Energy Stocks For 2015: Marching Ahead
04/02/2019Bioenergy,Solar,Baseload,Storage,Energy Efficiency,Wind Power,Geothermal,Renewable Energy Translations,Opinion & Commentary,Hydropower
My Ten Clean Energy Stocks for 2015 model portfolio added a second month to its winning streak, with a 6.1 percent gain for the month and a 5.7 percent gain for the year, despite a continued drag by the strong dollar. If measured in terms of the companies' local currencies, the portfolio would…
US Climate Commitment Should Spur Other Countries to Act
04/02/2019Bioenergy,Solar,Baseload,Storage,Opinion & Commentary,Energy Efficiency,Wind Power,Geothermal,Renewable Energy Translations,Policy,Hydropower
The proposed U.S. commitment to tackling climate change in support of a new international climate agreement is a serious and achievable plan that demonstrates the United States is ready to take significant action. Coming today, eight months before the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties in Paris this…
Republican Texas Bows to California and Backs Energy Finance Plan
04/02/2019Solar,Storage,Wind Power,Renewable Energy Translations,Energy Efficiency
Jim Keffer is Republican state lawmaker in Texas with a permit to carry a concealed weapon and doubts about whether human activity is causing global warming.
Solar Rollers Student Team Sends Email Back from the Future
04/02/2019Storage,Solar,Renewable Energy Translations,Energy Efficiency
A team of future high school graduates has developed technology capable of sending emails and digital attachments back from the future. The group call themselves the “Photon Farmers” and they are the future winners of the 2017 Solar Rollers energy education competition.
The Clean Tech Primer 2017
04/02/2019Bioenergy,Solar,Policy,Storage,Hydropower,Wind Power,Baseload,Renewable Energy Translations,Opinion & Commentary,Editor's Pick
In New York, Raymond James released its Clean Tech Primer 2017, arguably the most cogent and concise summary of activity and prospects across the gamut from solar power through to water technology, including all biofuels, biopower and bioindustrials.
Chile will increase small hydropower generation with 3-MW Los Pinos hydropower plant
04/02/2019Baseload,Renewable Energy Translations
Chile's Schwager Energy and China-based Shenyang Yuanda Commercial & Investment Co. signed a memorandum of understanding on Nov. 3 to build the 3-MW Los Pinos run-of-the-river hydroelectric plant in southern Chile's Lagos region, according to BN Americas.
It Turns Out That You Can’t Divide Americans Over Renewable Energy
04/02/2019Bioenergy,Solar,Baseload,Storage,Opinion & Commentary,Energy Efficiency,Wind Power,Geothermal,Renewable Energy Translations,Policy,Hydropower
In our second annual survey on American homeowners’ attitudes toward clean energy, one thing is resoundingly clear. In a nation divided on climate change, immigration policy, and so many other issues, Americans are overwhelmingly united in their support of renewable energy.
by APT Translations